While I absolutely LOVE my Teric dive computer by Shearwater (affectionately renamed tEric), that’s not what this post is about. Nay, pray you good lads and lasses, this is about your save-a-dive kit and what’s in it!
Zip Ties

No matter where you go or how you plan to get there, make sure you have a variety of zip ties. You can probably skip the smallest variety, and TSA may offer you a complimentary cavity search for carrying the big wrist-cuff ones, but a few of everything in between will serve you just right.
These lightweight salvations of the deep will help keep you going when something you’ve used over 500 times breaks. Just make sure you clip off the end nice and close, and maybe even file it down a bit with another nice little tool that you should have, a small nail clipper with attached nail file!
This little guy saved my dives in Arizona this year, and I couldn’t be happier! Thank you Maurus C. Logan!

Just a quick note on links that are scattered about this site: we aren’t affiliated with any product or retail outlet and do not make income of any kind from the links we provide. We do our best to use popular sourcing for informational purposes only, and do not endorse any retail source over another unless specifically stated!
Until next time, train hard, and dive easy! And let me know what your favorite save-a-dive item is in the comments below!

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