START? How about TREATS?

START is the acronym, nay mantra for every decompression and beyond diver. It is supposed to be a brain trigger to help remember the key steps to follow before departing on a deeper or more complex dive. START stands for; S-drills, Team, Air, Route, and Tables. While it’s an important part of technical diving, I’m not a fan, but only because it’s out of order!Let me break down START…

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North Gas, South Gas.

The reality is, it’s coming out somewhere.  The north side Most of our dive related gas exchange happens from the north end… our mouth. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it can build up over time. After a particularly long dive, or repetative deep dives nitrogen has already invaded the lining of your stomach. Depending on how quickly you come up from one stage of your dive to…

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Do you dive your backups?

We all have them. Or at least, those of us who dive consistently do. We have two, and sometimes even three of everything. They're our backups and they can do everything from save the dive day to preventing underwater catastrophe. Some backups are simple, even cheesy replacements... sort of a "just in case". Other's are exact duplicates of our favorite piece of gear. A lot of what we choose is…

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