SDI Assistant Instructor – become a professional instructor! This leadership course is designed to build on the SDI Divemaster Program by gaining practical teaching experience, learning to prepare lesson plans, and give academic presentations. You will work with an instructor to gain experience teaching before moving on to the SDI Open Water Scuba Diver Instructor level. Once you complete the Specialty Instructor training with a qualified SDI Instructor Trainer, you can become qualified to teach several SDI Specialty Diver courses.

Who this course is for:
- The SDI Assistant Instructor course is designed to have students level up their teaching skills with an active SDI Course Director/Instructor Trainer
Course prerequisites:
- Minimum age 18
- Certified SDI Divemaster or equivalent
- Provide proof of current CPR, first aid and oxygen provider,* where local law permits
- Provide proof of at least 60 logged dives or 50 logged dives and 25 hours underwater accumulated time
- Possess the minimum instructional equipment, as defined in leadership course standards section two of this manual
* Note: CPR, first aid, and oxygen provider courses may be combined with the IDC Program by qualified instructors
What you can expect to learn:
The SDI Assistant Instructor Diver Course takes an in-depth look at all of the following and more:
- SDI Standards and Procedures
- History of SDI
- Products and procedures
- How to place an order
- Yearly renewals
- SDI requirements for SDI Assistant Instructor certification
- SDI Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities of an SDI Assistant Instructor
- Liability and insurance
- Risk management
- Waivers and releases
- Filling out an accident report
- Course planning
- Preparation, planning and control in dive management and diving activities
- Pool/confined water and open water procedures
- Practical experience in assisting with the training of open water dives
- Pool/confined water and open water problem solving
- How to conduct a snorkeling course
- How to conduct an inactive diver/refresher course
- Emergency procedures
- First aid
- Oxygen (O2) administration
- Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Some of the required skills you will have to demonstrate include:
- Assist in all required courses
- Demonstrate mature and sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution
- Complete a 400 metre swim on the surface, non-stop, any stroke, without the use of swimming aids, in less than 10 minutes; swim goggles permitted
- Complete a 800 metre swim with mask, snorkel, and fins non-stop without the use of arms in less than 17 minutes
- Provide proof of 60 logged dives
- Bring a diver, simulating unconsciousness, up from depth, not greater than 6 metres/20 feet; at the surface swim them 100 metres in less than 4 minutes
What can the SDI Assistant Instructor do?
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may:
- Teach and certify students in the SDI Snorkeling Course
- Conduct the SDI Inactive Diver/Refresher Course
- Conduct the knowledge quest review in the SDI Open Water Scuba Diver course under the guidance of an active SDI Instructor
- Assist an active SDI Instructor during approved diving courses, provided the activities are similar to the graduate’s prior training
- Supervise and conduct dives for certified divers provided the activities are similar to the graduate’s prior training
- Teach approved specialties after receiving instructor training in those specialties
Once you’re a professional with Spartan SCUBA, you qualify to join our instructional team!
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