START? How about TREATS?

START is the acronym, nay mantra for every decompression and beyond diver. It is supposed to be a brain trigger to help remember the key steps to follow before departing on a deeper or more complex dive. START stands for; S-drills, Team, Air, Route, and Tables. While it’s an important part of technical diving, I’m not a fan, but only because it’s out of order!Let me break down START…

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The Ridicularity of Gauge Mode

"Ridicularity: Noun meaning an example of ridiculousness. A blend of Ridiculous and Peculiarity." This is a picture of my ScubaPro HUD display. And it's dumb. Not the computer, I love it. Well, except for one thing... gauge mode!The Spartan Dive Team has been doing quite a bit of decompression diving lately, and while it's been awesome, having different computers yelling deco instructions to you in the middle of your…

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