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Yep. It’s official. 

Today, September 1st, 2022 – the 35th anniversary of the day I enlisted in the Marines – Spartan Scuba & Dive Team has become a reality. 

I’m going to take is slow for the first couple of years. I want to build a nice, solid group of divers to team with and train. Just as others need to grow and develop, so do I. And so does this new creature, and it will take time and energy for that to happen. 

The good news? I’m not in a hurry. Just like all things SCUBA diving, fast is SLOW, and slow is smooth. Nothing here will be forced into being.

The other good news? It’s mine. Sure, I will share the creation, management, and operation of whatever this becomes, but at the end of the day it will be done my way… hence the photo. 


I don’t think I’m the best. And I certainly don’t think my way is the only way. But I do believe three very basic tenets that are and will be the bedrock of this organization:

  • First, do no harm.
  • Mastery is nothing more than mastery of the basics.
  • Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should!

It is from here that everything else will grow and develop.

I hope to see you out there, training hard, and diving easy. 

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Dr Eric "Doc" Strand

After being injured in the line of duty while serving in the Marines, SSGT Strand transitioned to Dr. Strand, and spent the next 25 years practicing medicine, dedicating his time and energy to bringing better health and enlightenment to the community he served. After learning to dive with his family, he quickly felt a growing passion for the underwater world: the peace and tranquility was greater than any form of meditation he'd ever tried. SCUBA diving became the hobby at first, then moved slowly into the next, and hopefully last profession. A published author and poet, Doc's passion for creativity coupled with his experiences and travels abroad impact not only his writing style, but also his passion for life, teaching, SCUBA diving, and medicine.

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